Xbox Systems Memory Wipe Infuriates Gamers

Microsoft has warned Xbox console users that a memory wipe of certain data will happen soon.

According to Xbox users on Reddit, a new policy by Microsoft went into effect on Oct. 1 noting that there would be a deletion of new and old capture data every 90 days. That means that starting January 2024, gamers will lose all their captured data unless they back it up. The official message sent by the company reads: “Due to a new policy starting on October 1st, 2023, existing and new captures on the Xbox Network will automatically be deleted after 90 days. The first deletions will start in January 2024.”

Microsoft’s New Xbox Policy

On Reddit, gamers posted screenshots of the message and discussed what Microsoft was doing. Many were confused because this kind of wipe hadn’t happened previously and no reason was given for the new policy. One poster noted: “You know they are only doing this to save a literal penny or two. And in the process, destroying years and years of important memories for their paying subscribers. With this change, these videos may as well be gone.”

Others wondered how the Xbox team is “so freaking bad at this” given the hoops that gamers sometimes have to go through to save their content. Previously, they simply had to upload data to save it, but the new policy states that uploaded content will be deleted unless it’s backed up. While many on the Reddit thread offered potential solutions to this problem, including putting data on external hard drives or places like OneDrive, which Microsoft owns, they still noted that this was a hassle and that memory would fill up quickly. Many also asked for explanations from the publisher but acknowledged they weren’t likely to get them.

The situation puts a small damper on recent Microsoft-related events, such as its confirmed purchase of Activision Blizzard, helping bolster the company’s gaming ranks and ensure it has many options for its consoles going forward. The fight to complete this purchase was long and hard, including having to go to court against Sony and the FTC. However, the deal has finally gone through, with Microsoft already planning its next moves.

Source: Reddit

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