Upcoming ’90s Found-Footage Horror Game Challenges Players to Keep Quiet

A newly-revealed indie horror game provides a unique spin on the horror walking simulator formula by making use of the player’s microphone.

In Don’t Scream, players are challenged to navigate 18 minutes of ’90s-style found footage of a spooky forest, and if they scream into their microphone, they have to restart. 18 minutes may not sound like a lot of time, but players will have to keep quiet if they want to complete the game, which may be easier said than done.

According to the game’s website, Don’t Scream tasks players with exploring the mysterious and creepy Pineview Forest for 18 minutes without screaming. Calibration of the player’s microphone upon starting the game means that any noise too loud from the mic will result in a game over. Exploration will be done through the lens of ’90s found footage reminiscent of The Blair Witch Project.

“We love the raw look of camcorders. The grainy effects make the horror even more intense,” the developers note on the game’s website. “It makes you wonder: Did I really see something scary far away, or was it just the camera playing tricks on me?” The developers also mention that the game has a multitude of different scares to encounter in order to bolster replayability.

Don’t Scream is powered by Unreal Engine 5 and will be released on Steam early access at the end of October. The developers hope to add more content if the game is successful. “During our Early Access phase, we’ll actively listen to players’ feedback to enhance the game. For Don’t Scream, we aim to increase the scare factor by adding new surprises and more mysterious elements in the environment. Our goal is to make the game both more enjoyable and scary,” the developers mention on their website.

The developers also state that while Don’t Scream currently doesn’t have a linear storyline, they may add more lore to the game over time: “While Don’t Scream doesn’t follow a traditional storyline, it does immerse players in the lore of Pineview Forest. This fictional forest brims with mysteries and oddities. If the game gains popularity, we’re considering delving further into this lore.”

Don’t Scream will be released on Steam early access on Oct. 27, just in time for Halloween.

Source: JustDontScream.com

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