Insomniac Teases a Possible Venom Spinoff

With the release of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 from Insomniac Games, the company has teased a potential spinoff based around Venom.

In an interview with Insider, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 narrative director Jon Paquette teased the possibility of Venom getting his own spinoff game. This would be a spinoff in the same vein as 2020’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales. While the game has yet to be confirmed, Insomniac is listening intently to fan reactions to its latest title. The company is also listening to the reception of its iteration of Venom, as portrayed by Tony Todd.

Why Insomniac Is Interested in a Venom Spinoff for Spider-Man

The primary reason for Insomniac’s interest in giving Venom a spinoff is to expand upon his character. During the interview, Paquette said that his team put a lot of effort into creating the best Venom story possible by drawing on his history within the comics and building upon it.

Paquette also stated that the final decision of whether the Venom spinoff will come to fruition rests with the fans. “We’re gonna listen to the fans and we’re gonna ask ourselves, ‘Okay, what do the fans really want?'” he said in the interview. In other words, Insomniac plans to listen to reactions to its depiction of Venom before greenlighting the potential new project, while also trying to consider what would be best for the franchise and the company’s universe as a whole.

A Venom Spinoff Video Game Has Major Potential

A Venom spinoff naturally has immense potential as a standalone game, not only due to the character’s own popularity but also thanks to the success of other Spider-Man games. Perhaps the best example of this is the previously-mentioned spinoff of the same series, Spider-Man: Miles Morales. The game is a spinoff of the original Spider-Man from Insomniac, which follows the titular character and was successful both critically and commercially.

Moreover, Venom has proven himself to be a character capable of telling standalone stories as an anti-hero. As with Miles and the Spider-Verse films, Venom has seen success with Sony’s Venom duology. During the Insider interview, Paquette stated that Venom’s character from the comics had a vast breadth of potential for different stories. With these examples, a Venom-centric spinoff has more than enough potential to be another successful entry in Insomniac’s own Spider-verse.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is available for the PlayStation 5.

Source: Insider

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